HBCOA 714.374.1524 • SENIOR CENTER IN CENTRAL PARK 714.536.5600 • HOAG HEALTH & WELLNESS PAVILION 714.374.1578 • TRANSPORTATION 714.374.1742
What’s New
Special Thank You!
The Senior Center in Central Park has long been a dream for many! Recognizing the need for expanding services to seniors and the growing number of Baby Boomers, a study was initiated over 10 years ago that documented the need for increased space to provide recreation and outreach to seniors in the community.
Spearheading the movement for a new Senior Center in Central Park was the Huntington Beach Council on Aging (HBCOA). Always at the forefront of emerging aging issues, the HBCOA was the first to pledge $100,000 towards the new building.
Hoag Hospital has long been a major stakeholder with HB Senior Services. With a focus on fitness and well being, Hoag Hospital supported the construction of the building as well as continued staffing and services through the new Hoag Health and Wellness Pavilion.
Edinger Medical Group and Orange Coast Memorial Medical Center have been long time supporters of the new Senior Center in Central Park and HB Senior Services. Their support of the new Senior Center will help expand activities, programs and care management services in the exciting years to come.
An active new vibrant senior center would not be possible if not for the efforts of hundreds of volunteers, contributing thousands of hours. By providing much needed support to visitors of the center, and providing direct services to the frail and elderly, the dream of the Senior Center in Central Park has become a reality.

Our Message
Read about what President's James Pike, and Senior Center staff are talking about this month.
Health and Wellness Tips
Physical activity and a healthy diet are important immune system boosters.
Educational Resources
Educational Resources including videos, podcast, articles, etc. are a great way to stay informed about senior health, wellness and other important topics.