HBCOA 714.374.1524 • SENIOR CENTER IN CENTRAL PARK 714.536.5600 • HOAG HEALTH & WELLNESS PAVILION 714.374.1578 • TRANSPORTATION 714.374.1742
Dances and Concerts
Huntington Beach Council On Aging & Senior Center in Central Park Dances and Concerts
Beach City Big Band Parkview Room: 7pm, the 4th Monday of every month.
Come on in and join us for a Swinging' Good Time with Beach City Big Band! For more info please call: 714.536.5600
Monday, February 26th - Big Band Swing Dance
Monday, March 25th - Big Band Swing Dance
On February 10th we will be trying out a brand new special event - Line Dancing Night. For the longest time we’ve had a huge community of line dancers here, so we thought, why don’t we have a special event themed around this awesome activity!?
The whole idea behind Line Dancing Night is simply a fun night out. The event is less formal than our traditional dances like Valentines Dance and Seashells & Jingle Bells. Think of it as just a fun night out dancing at a country bar!
There will be around 1 hour of line dance instruction, followed by a 2 hours of the DJ just playing music and folks dancing. We will also have plenty of snacks and refreshments to go along with this fun evening.
All are welcome to this new and exciting event, which is expected to sell out. Tickets go on sale Thursday January 4th at 8am. Please bring your HBCOA membership card to receive the $5 discount.