HBCOA 714.374.1524 • SENIOR CENTER IN CENTRAL PARK 714.536.5600 •  HOAG HEALTH & WELLNESS PAVILION 714.374.1578 • TRANSPORTATION 714.374.1742

Social Services

Senior Center in Central Park Outreach

Care Management

Care Managers focus on connections with programs and services for the frail and elderly, homebound and at-risk seniors. They link seniors with services that assist elders in the city with physical, social and nutritional needs. Professional staff and volunteers work directly with older adults, their families and the community to facilitate independence, dignity, and aging optimally in the community. Services vary from short term to long term, depending on the need. The Travel & Resource Room hosts a variety of information on local non-profit services, support groups, volunteer and professional services, as well as a self-help Shared Housing Resource Connection binder. These services are made possible through the City of Huntington Beach Community & Library Services and with support from HBCOA,  Orange Coast Memorial Medical Center, and grants and donations. Call 714-374-1572 for more information.

Home Delivered Meals "Meals on Wheels"

Home Delivered Meals service (HDM) is a partnership between SCCP and Meals on Wheels OC providing 3 meals a day, 5 days a week to over 100 homebound and at-risk older adult residents of Huntington Beach on a donation basis. Staff coordinates, assesses needs, and provides additional services to those who qualify. Priceless volunteers help with the packing and organizing in the office as well as delivering meals to the home with a smile. These services are made possible through the City of Huntington Beach Community &  Library Services and with support from HBCOA. Call 714-374-1717 for more information.

Click here to download August menu!


Senior Cafe

Starting July 1st Lunch will be five days a week!

Monday -Friday 11:30am to 12:30pm
*Lunch is served between 11:30am and 12:00pm





New attendees must complete a Senior Cafe registration from at check in.

For more information call 714.375.8404
Huntington Beach Senior Center in Central Park


Click here to download new flyer!

Transportation/Surf City Seniors on the Go! (714-374-1742)

Surf City Seniors on the Go! Transportation provides non-emergency rides each weekday, between 8:30a.m. to 4:30p.m. to HB residents 60+ to destinations within Huntington Beach and select locations nearby. The shuttle also brings older adults to the SCCP for the Senior Café lunch program, classes, appointments, and activities. Grocery shopping group trips are scheduled on set dates with volunteer helpers. Accessible vehicles are available. New clients may register by phone. Transportation appointments fill quickly so at least three to five days’ notice is suggested. 24 hour notice is requested for cancellations. Although there is no charge, donations are appreciated and help support the program. These services are made possible through the City of Huntington Beach Community & Library Services and with support from HBCOA, OCTA Senior Mobility Program grant funds, Hoag Memorial Hospital grant funds, and donations. Call (714) 374-1742 for more information.