HBCOA 714.374.1524 • SENIOR CENTER IN CENTRAL PARK 714.536.5600 • HOAG HEALTH & WELLNESS PAVILION 714.374.1578 • TRANSPORTATION 714.374.1742

Join the Huntington Beach Council on Aging
We offer several levels of HBCOA Membership. All memberships includes a subscription to the Outlook newsletter (one issue per household) to be renewed annually. The newsletter includes a calendar of activities detailing events and services/classes. Please join this wonderful group representing seniors in Huntington Beach. The Bronze through Lifetime members may be for a couple and are recognized in the OUTLOOK and on the website. Discounts for HBCOA events apply to individuals. Bronze through Lifetime members will receive discounts for a couple.
Sign-up now and don’t miss a single issue of the Outlook on Active Aging monthly newsletter and all the wonderful member discounts on HBCOA activities including: dances, concerts, events, and the ever popular Day Trips Program. You can drop off your membership form at the Senior Center Travel and Resource Room or at the front desk, mail it in via US Post, or renew online below.
Keep your eyes on your mail box for an HBCOA envelope. Help continue to make Huntington Beach a great place to age and support senior independence in the community.
HBCOA membership helps to support the senior community, crucial aging services, and senior recreational programs and opportunities at the Senior Center in Central Park
Don’t Delay Join Today
There are three ways you can renew:
- By mail using the form below
Click here to go to the pdf Membership form. - Online, see form below
- In person at the Senior Center in Central Park
General Membership
General Membership is $20 per year and includes a subscription to the Outlook newsletter.
Couples Membership
Couple Membership is $35 per year for couples living at same residence and includes a subscription to the Outlook newsletter.
Please fill out "Primary" Member's and "Secondary" Member's name, email and phone number.
Bronze, Silver, and Gold Memberships
Bronze Membership is $100 per year and includes a subscription to the Outlook newsletter for 1 year. You also get recognized in the Outlook, at the Senior Center and on the website. Silver Membership is $250 and Gold Membership is $500.
Evergreen Memberships
Donations over $1,000 + will be automatically enrolled in the Evergreen annual giving program. For donations larger than 1000+, donors get a leaf on the Evergreen Tree of Life with their name in the Senior Center in Central Park. For those that would like to donate more than $1,000.00 please download the form and mail with your check to the Senior Center in Central Park. Click here for more information about Evergreen.
If you would like to purchase either a general, bronze, silver or gold membership, please fill out the form below. You will be directed to a page where you can pay with your credit card or through PayPal.
You can also renew your HBCOA membership with this pdf form. Click here!