HBCOA 714.374.1524 • SENIOR CENTER IN CENTRAL PARK 714.536.5600 •  HOAG HEALTH & WELLNESS PAVILION 714.374.1578 • TRANSPORTATION 714.374.1742

Together Again Festival in September



The Senior Center in Central Park is proud to announce a new exciting resource fair and festival celebrating aging! Saturday, September 25, 2021, 10AM—2 PM. 

We look forward to seeing smiles once again! 

Together Again will feature senior service providers, as well as groups and organizations making a difference in our community. Representatives from the City including the Library, Police and Fire Departments as well as cultural groups will bring a wide range of diversity to the Senior Center in Central Park. Special presentations will be held in the Center. 

Together Again will give us a chance to reconnect with old friends and learn about new resources and opportunities for growth. It is also a time to celebrate the Center’s Fifth Anniversary. Since opening in 2016, over 10,000 people have come through the doors, making the Center a showcase for Southern California. 

We continue to celebrate our long time partnership with the Huntington Beach Council on Aging, which has allowed the Center to remain a leader in Senior Services. The continued funding of direct services, including care management, allow a significant number of seniors to age in place and maintain their independence. 

We miss you! Please join us for Together Again on September 25! Sponsorships range from $5,000 - $400 and are selling out fast. Contact Randy Pesqueira, rpesqueira@surfcity-hb.org/714-536-5543 for reservations and information. 

10 am - Opening Ceremony

10:15 am - Dixiedelics (Dixieland Jazz)

11:00 am - Red Boy Productions (Native American Dance)

11:45 am - TUPUA (Polynesian Entertainment)

1:00 pm - Cali Conscious (Surf Reggae Rock)


Stage and Talent Sponsored by
Hoag Hospital

Download an Together Again Entertainment Flyer, click here!

Download an Together Again Event Flyer, click here!

Read the article from SeaCliff Living and HB Coastal Living

Click on magazine cover to read the full article. Two publications with the same article.